EPC Powder, North East PA – EPC is pleased to announce its new listing with UL. The UL listing is now up on the UL website, under the online certifications directory. The listing is under the certification DTOV2.MH47209 Coatings, Organic, for Steel Enclosures of Outdoor-use Electrical Equipment – Component
Bob Whitman, Sales Manager was pleased to have the certification fully up and running. “It was a long process. But we are really happy to have this new certification. For us, this UL DT0V2 certifiction is another mark for our company which shows quality. We also feel that we have a number of potential customers that might buy product from us due to the certification.”
Information on the listing can be found on the UL web site, www.UL.com, and search “certifications”. The EPC listing can be found under the DT0V2 certification, with the EPC file number MH47209